Continue reading so you can learn what to do with the crop sample in Remnant 2, as today we will explain it.

Among several bizarre quest items added by The Dark Horizon downloadable content pack, the Crop Sample is included. According to the game, it is some type of strange blue pod-like plant, unlike any you've ever seen; it's warm and makes shrieking noises. You will probably think of what you do with the crop sample when finding this strange blue plant in Remnant 2, although that won't tell your position.

Finding the Crop Sample in Remnant 2's The Dark Horizon DLC isn't exactly challenging if someone knows where to look for it, but knowing what to do with it is a whole different story and actually brings the players to a decision scenario. 

Crop Sample Location In Remnant 2 The Dark Horizon DLC

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The Crop Sample is located in the Detritus Foundry dungeon, which is part of the The Dark Horizon DLC. It can be found east of the Agronomy Sector. Getting to this portion of the map requires glider and completion of the first several levels of the Agronomy Sector. Inside of the Detritus Foundry, it is located in a round room just above the entrance to the World Stone according to the map above.

To avoid trouble, enter this zone with caution, as it is heavily guarded. If you're coming from another direction in Remnant 2 into the dungeon, watch out for the Detritus Foundry dungeon boss, N'Erudian Reaper. The Replication Pod that you will get after defeating this beast will allow you to craft the weapon mod Harvester Bots. This mod adds siphons enemies, stacking up to five times and providing 1% of base damage dealt as Lifesteal per stack.

What To Do With Crop Sample In Remnant 2 The Dark Horizon DLC

Crop Sample in Remnant 2 can be used for a number of purposes, and the players have three options in total, which are explained below: 

Choice One - Red Statue

Just underneath of where you found it is a room in which you can take the Crop Sample into. If that map up there is anything to go by, you can reach here using the elevator that's just nearby. Here you'll find the central atrium flanked by two statues-one in red, one in blue. You are, however limited to planting the Crop Sample next to either the blue or the red statue. Also, you can hear a recording alongside the dead body describing all the different events because of your choice. To plant the Crop Sample next to the red statue, you have to encounter with mini-boss The Inverted Shambler using the dirt and choosing Crop Sample.

As it turns out, though, this is one possible secret and also a timed-delay puzzle when returning to Remnant 2 with The Dark Horizon downloadable content. You will want to circle back to the main menu and then re-enter the zone. This time, as you come up towards the red statue, the Inverted Shambler will pop into existence along with any other possible upper area opponents. To get the Repercussion Mutator, defeat the Inverted Shambler. Check the video below for what happens when you choose the red statue option and how to go to the statue room: After the battle, the Crop Sample disappears, so you can apparently only plant it once. Thus, choose wisely. But this is currently not confirmed as of yet.

Repercussion Mutator: +3% ranged damage, up to five stacks. For the Quantum Memory Amulet, head to the body of any statue in Remnant 2. It reloads your equipped weapon if you perform a combat slide, and a Perfect Dodge reloads both guns. In that nearby chest are some other treasures and goodies, like a Health Regeneration Relic Fragment.

Option Two - Blue Statue

You may, if you wish, set the Crop Sample along side the blue statue in that same room.

This will reward you with the Gossamer Heart Relic, which provides an extra evasion window. This is decidedly the easier option, since you won't have to put up any kind of fight to obtain it. If this doesn't spawn for whatever reason, just head back to the main menu and then reload the region. Choice Three - Give The Crop Sample To The Cook At Ward 13 Thirdly, returning to Ward 13 and giving the Crop Sample to the cook near the World Stone, Duane, reportedly unlocks the consumable Numbing Agent which increases damage threshold before gray health is depleted. You can also get the Chef Amulet when you come back.

Some players have claimed that the garden at Ward 13 is a good spot to plant the Crop Sample, but as of this writing, its consequences are still undetermined. 

If you have made it this far in our guide on "What To Do With Crop Sample in Remnant 2", we hope we have been of the most help possible.

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