In Star Wars Outlaws, the outlaws go hunting for true treasures. Hidden all over the galaxy, these treasures come to improve Kay Vess's abilities and equipment. And one of them can be found inside Shipjacker Workshop. Unveil its secret.

Shipjacker Workshop Treasures

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Within Star Wars Outlaws, the busy illicit activity hub that is Toshara contains two popular treasures within what is called the Shipjacker Workshop. The first one is the Code Breaker Chip, which will be a necessary component in upgrading your Slice Kit-a very important tool for hacking and decrypting. This will give you a serious ability boost, enabling you to unlock previously locked terminals and secured areas all over the galaxy. The second is Zafi's Keycard, which acts like a skeleton key to the vault of the Crimson Dawn-a rich and dangerous criminal organization in the Star Wars universe. Possessing this keycard means access to an important vault full of valuable information and resources that could turn the course of your journey around.

Code Breaker Chip location

To get the Code Breaker Chip, proceed to the center platform in the workshop. Note the crate hung by means of a wire from above. On the platform is a switch that can move the crate. Flip the switch to lower it. When near enough, climb up the piled up stuff on the platform and then climb onto the crate.

The Code Breaker Chip will provide you with access to the Slicing Kit Upgrade from Aila.

"Ask Nix to throw the switch, which will send the crate across the room, carrying you with it. On the other side, ask him to lower the grate beside the large red barrier. Inside, blast the transformer, deactivating the barrier. Then grab the chest behind the barrier and take the Code Breaker Chip inside".

✓ Pro Tip

This is a free zone to kill off your enemies without any negative repercussions to your reputation with factions. We suggest that you neutralize all the guards for an easier quest of moving around the territory. It will not only eliminate an immediate threat but also give space and a peaceful environment to explore and search for resources. Additionally, you may be able to find some caches or information when you eliminate the guards that might be important during the journey.

Zafi's Keycard location

Head back to the central platform and find the bridge that leads to a sealed door. Inside, there's a little room with a red barrier in front of a narrow passageway. Slice the computer to move the barrier. On the other side of it, there's a chest. Open it to find Zafi's Keycard. You're in the neighborhood so you might as well pick up any extra Credits lying around.

That's all for our guide on All the treasures in the Shipjacker Workshop in Star Wars Outlaws. We hope that it's been as useful as possible so that you can find all of them.

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