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Continúe leyendo y podrá aprender cómo evitar que Google Translate aparezca en las aplicaciones, así que preste atención.

Pocas veces ocurre, pero en ocasiones Google Translate genera errores. Ahora mismo hay uno en el que aparece una ventana emergente de Google Translate debajo de la barra de direcciones en Chrome cada vez que carga una página. Esto puede llegar a ser muy molesto así que atento para que corrijas esto.

Cómo evitar que Google Translate aparezca en las aplicaciones
Domar esas molestas ventanas emergentes del Traductor de Google

¿Estás cansado de que Google Translate interrumpa el flujo de tu aplicación con sugerencias no solicitadas? Aquí está tu plan de batalla para silenciarlos:

Desactivación de aplicaciones específicas (por ejemplo, WhatsApp):

Read Also:

Trigger the Pop-Up: Open a conversation with the unwanted translation prompt (like WhatsApp). Tap the "Translate to English" pop-up.

Banish for that Language: Look for a "Don't translate" or similar option within the pop-up. Selecting this option prevents future translations for that specific language.

System-Wide Shut Down:

Settings HQ: Open your Android device's Settings app.

Finding Live Translation: Locate "System" (or similar) and tap on it. Then, find "Live Translate."

Silence the Live Translator: Disable the toggle for "Use Live Translate." This deactivates the entire feature, preventing all automatic translation pop-ups.

Quieting Google Translate in Chrome:

Chrome Settings Access: Launch Chrome and tap the three vertical dots in the top right corner. Select "Settings" from the menu.

Language Management: Tap on "Languages" within Settings.

"Offer to Translate" Deactivation: Locate the toggle for "Offer to send pages in other languages to Google Translate" and disable it. This stops Chrome from suggesting translations for foreign language webpages.

Alternative Chrome Method: In Chrome, tap the three horizontal dots at the bottom right corner and select "Settings." Scroll down and tap on "Languages" at the bottom of the page. Here, you can disable the toggle for "Translate pages" to completely turn off translation functionality in Chrome.

Advanced Technique (For Power Users):

Chrome Settings Revisited: Follow steps 1 & 2 from the Chrome Browser section above to access Chrome Settings and the "Languages" menu.

Languages Menu Expansion: Tap the three vertical dots next to "Languages" and select "Edit translate languages" (or similar).

Disabling Google Translate: Within the language list, locate and disable the toggle for "Use Google Translate." This completely disables Google Translate integration within Chrome.

By following these steps, you can reclaim control over Google Translate and prevent those bothersome pop-ups from disrupting your app experience. Choose the method that best suits your needs, whether it's silencing translations for specific languages or taking a more comprehensive approach.

Now that we have reached the end of this guide on How to Stop Google Translate From Popping Up in Apps, we hope it has been as helpful as possible to you.

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