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You don't know how to enable notification timeout in Android 15, here we show you step by step how to solve this complication.

In this digital age our phones are always bombarding us with daily notifications, but luckily Android 15 introduces a feature known as Notification Cooldown, which can change this, managing the frequency and intensity of notifications.

If you're wondering what is notification cooldown?
First you have to know what Notification Cooldown is, it is a built-in feature of Android 15 that intelligently reduces the volume of notifications received from the same application or conversation within a specific period of time. That is, if someone continuously messages you on WhatsApp for a short period, the feature will silence WhatsApp notifications.

In other words, the first notification from an app will play at the usual volume. But in turn, subsequent notifications within a short period will gradually decrease in volume, thus offering a gentle reminder without the jarring effect of repeated loud alerts.

How to Enable Notification Cooldown On Android 15

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Android 15 introduces a user-centric feature called Notification Cooldown, aiming to enhance digital well-being by minimizing notification fatigue. This functionality grants users greater control over the frequency and intrusiveness of app notifications.

Enabling Notification Cooldown (Android 15):

Please note: The availability of Notification Cooldown might vary depending on your specific device model and software version.

Access Settings: Launch the Settings application on your Android 15 device.
Locate Notification Cooldown: Utilize the search function within Settings or navigate to the Sounds & Notifications section (terminology may differ slightly).

Configure Notification Cooldown: Identify the "Notification cooldown" option and tap on it. You'll likely encounter three configuration options:

Apply cooldown to all notifications: This is the most comprehensive approach, silencing notifications for a set period after an initial one arrives.
Apply cooldown to conversations: This setting focuses on messaging apps, reducing notification frequency for conversations specifically.
Don't use notification cooldown: This deactivates the feature entirely.
Select Preferred Option: Choose the configuration that aligns best with your notification preferences.


Notification Cooldown is a recent addition to the Android ecosystem and might not be widely available yet.
Future iterations of Android 15 might offer more granular control, allowing users to select specific apps for cooldown implementation instead of relying on pre-defined categories.

Alternative Approach for All Android Versions (with Caution):

While not the optimal solution, third-party applications like BuzzKill (available on the Google Play Store) offer a similar functionality. It's important to exercise caution when granting permissions to third-party apps. Only download applications from trusted sources like the Google Play Store and thoroughly review permission requests before proceeding.

By effectively using notification cooling, you can achieve a more streamlined notification experience, minimizing distractions and encouraging better concentration, especially when it comes to messaging apps.
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