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This article provides a helpful guide to locating the Hotel Employee Fridge Key in Warzone 2 DMZ. Learn how to find and access the key to unlock the hidden area of the game's expansive map. Get the most out of your Warzone experience with this handy tip!

Are you struggling to find the Hotel Employee Fridge Key in Warzone 2 DMZ? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll show you where to find the key and how to open the toolkit it unlocks.If you’re a fan of the Warzone 2 DMZ, then you’ve likely heard of the Hotel Employee Fridge Key. This key is a valuable asset for players, unlocking a toolkit that can be used to craft weapons and armor.

But where can you find the Hotel Employee Fridge Key? It’s not a straightforward task, so we’re here to give you a step-by-step guide on where to locate the key and how to open the toolkit it unlocks.

Step-by-Step Guide

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  • Go to the north of the Beach Club, near E6: If you’re looking for the Hotel Employee Fridge Key, then you’ll need to head to the north of the Beach Club, near E6. Once you’ve made it to the location, you’ll need to go inside the building and make your way to the back. 
  • Go inside the building and unlock the fridge inside it: Once you’re inside the building, you’ll need to find the fridge. It’s not immediately obvious, so keep a sharp eye out. Once you’ve found it, unlock it and you’ll find the Hotel Employee Fridge Key inside. 
  • Use the Hotel Employee Fridge Key to open the toolkit: Now that you have the key, you’ll be able to open the toolkit that it unlocks. The toolkit contains a variety of different crafting materials, so make sure to stock up on what you need. 

If you’re looking for the Hotel Employee Fridge Key in Warzone 2 DMZ, then you’ll need to head to the north of the Beach Club, near E6. Once there, go inside the building and make your way to the back. Unlock the fridge and the toolkit can be opened with the key. 

In summary, the Hotel Employee Fridge Key can be found by heading to the north of the Beach Club, near E6. Once there, go inside the building and make your way to the back. Unlock the fridge and the toolkit can be opened with the key. 

With this guide, finding and using the Hotel Employee Fridge Key should be a breeze. Happy crafting!
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