Today our article will talk about How to check the computer specifications in Windows 11.

If you're new to PCs or looking to get into PC gaming, you're probably wondering about the computer's specs.
There really are many more reasons, but whatever yours, checking your computer's specifications is actually a simple task and we'll show you exactly how with our step-by-step guide.

How to check computer specs in Windows 11

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A thorough understanding of your computer's hardware specifications is vital for various tasks in the IT realm. This knowledge can be instrumental in:

Software Compatibility Checks: Ensuring newly installed software aligns with your system's capabilities.

Performance Troubleshooting: Identifying hardware bottlenecks that might hinder performance.

Informed Upgrade Decisions: Determining which components offer the most impactful upgrades for your needs.

Here's a streamlined guide to efficiently locate key system details within Windows 11:

Processor and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU):

System Settings: Right-click on the Start menu and select "System." Locate the processor details under the "Device specifications" section.

Device Manager: Search for "Device Manager" and expand the "Display adapters" section. A dedicated GPU will be displayed here. If you see "Intel HD Graphics" listed, your system utilizes integrated graphics within the CPU. Discrete GPUs typically follow naming conventions like "NVIDIA GeForce GTX/RTX" or "AMD Radeon RX/R."


Physical Inspection (Advanced Users): For a more in-depth approach, open your computer case and locate the motherboard. The manufacturer and model number are usually printed directly on the board itself.

System Information: Search for "System Information" and examine the details under "Baseboard Manufacturer," "Baseboard Product," and "Baseboard Version."

Random Access Memory (RAM):

Task Manager: Right-click on the Start menu and select "Task Manager." Navigate to the "Performance" tab for a comprehensive view of your system's RAM capacity and usage.

Storage Drive:

File Explorer: Open "This PC" and check "Local Storage" to view the available storage devices and their total capacities.

Drive Properties: Right-click on "Local Disk (C:)" (or your primary drive) and select "Properties." The "General" tab displays the total and free space available.

Solid State Drive (SSD) Verification: Utilize the "Optimize Drives" tool (search for it in the Start menu) to confirm if your storage drive is an SSD.

Upgrading Considerations:

Upgrading specific components, particularly the GPU, requires careful consideration of compatibility with your existing hardware. Researching component compatibility beforehand is essential for a successful upgrade.

We hope that with these steps you can efficiently retrieve detailed information about your Windows 11 system's hardware configuration. This knowledge allows you to make informed decisions about potential upgrades, troubleshoot performance issues, or determine if selling your computer might be a course of action. more appropriate.

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