I will tell you how to fix your laptop stuck on restart

Windows laptops that freeze at the "restart" screen are a common problem that can cause frustration for users. This technical guide offers an in-depth analysis of the problem, identifying potential causes and presenting viable solutions for its resolution.

How to fix your laptop stuck on restart

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Technical analysis of the crash on the "restart" screen on Windows laptops and viable solutions


Crashes during the reboot process on Windows laptops are a recurring problem that can cause significant frustration to users. This whitepaper presents an in-depth analysis of the potential causes of the problem, ranging from faulty software to hardware failures, and offers viable solutions for its resolution.

Analysis methodology:

The problem analysis is based on a comprehensive review of reliable sources, including official Microsoft documentation, laptop manufacturers' technical support websites, and specialized computer troubleshooting articles. Various factors have been considered that could influence the appearance of the block, including:

  • Software: Incompatible programs, outdated drivers, or malware can interfere with the reboot process.
  • Operating System: Corrupt system files, incomplete updates, or incorrect configurations can cause instability and crashes during reboot.
  • Hardware: Faulty components, such as RAM or hard drive, can cause critical errors that freeze the system during reboot.

Proposed solutions:

Based on the analysis carried out, the following solutions are proposed to address the problem of crashes on the "reboot" screen:

1. Diagnostics in safe mode:

  • Starting your computer in safe mode allows you to load a minimal set of drivers and services, isolating potential conflicts with third-party software.
  • If your computer works correctly in safe mode, the cause of the problem probably lies in a problematic program or driver.
  • In this case, it is recommended to uninstall recently installed software or update drivers to fix the problem.

2. System File Repair:

  • The Windows SFC (System File Checker) and DISM (Deployment Image and Servicing Management) tools can detect and repair corrupted system files that could be causing crashes.
  • To run SFC, open the command prompt as administrator and type the command sfc /scannow.
  • To run DISM, open the command prompt as administrator and run the following commands in order:
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

3. Malware Removal:

  • The presence of malware can corrupt crucial system files and cause crashes during reboot.
  • It is recommended to perform a full system scan with an updated antivirus or anti-malware to detect and remove any infections.
  • It is important to keep your security software up to date with the latest virus definitions.

4. Hardware status assessment:

  • Running memory and hard drive diagnostics can identify potential hardware failures that cause crashes during reboot.
  • Both Windows and third-party software offer diagnostic tools for this purpose.

5. BIOS update:

  • Updating the BIOS to the latest version can fix bugs and improve hardware and software compatibility, which could fix some reboot issues.
  • It is crucial to carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions during the BIOS update, as an error in this process can damage your computer.

6. Reinstalling Windows:

  • If the above solutions do not solve the problem, reinstalling Windows may be the last alternative.
  • This process will remove all software and data from your computer, so it is essential to take a full backup before proceeding.

Additional resources:

Crashes at the "restart" screen on Windows laptops can have a variety of causes and require a deep analysis to identify the root of the problem. This whitepaper provides a complete guide to diagnosing and troubleshooting the problem, ranging from basic software measurements to hardware evaluation. If the problem persists after following these recommendations, it is suggested to seek specialized technical assistance.

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