Hier ist eine Anleitung, die Ihnen auf einfache Weise zeigt, wo Sie in Elden Ring Schattenschmiedesteine finden.
Somber Smithing Stone 1 Standorte
Somber Smithing Stone 2-Standorte
Somber Smithing Stone 3-Standorte
Somber Smithing Stone 4 Locations
Somber Smithing Stone 5 Locations
Somber Smithing Stone 6 Locations
Somber Smithing Stone 7 Locations
Somber Smithing Stone 8 Locations
Somber Smithing Stone 9 Locations
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone Locations
Read Also:
Hier finden Sie eine vollständige Anleitung, damit Sie lernen, wie Sie auf einfache Weise an den Dolchtalisman in Elden Ring kommen.
In unserem heutigen Beitrag erfahren Sie, wie Sie Zweihandwaffen verwenden und in Elden Ring die Power-Stance einnehmen.
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones are very valuable items that need to be used to enhance Special Weapons to +10. There are eight of these stones in the Lands Between.
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones can be found in the following locations:
Mohgwyn Palace
Leyndell, Ashen Capital
Farum Azula, Ruins
Consecrated Snowfield — Two stones
Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree — Three stones
Where To Find Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearings
To unlock access to as many Somber Smithing Stones as you could need, find and collect the following five Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearings scattered across the Lands Between. Bring these items to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold. This will unlock their ability to sell you Somber Smithing Stones in infinite quantities.
Notice, however, that Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones won't be sold by the Twin Maiden Husks. These rare upgrade materials can only be found in scattered spots within the open world.
Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 1
This can be acquired by killing the Fallingstar Beast within the Sellia Crystal Tunnel in Caelid. The Sellia Crystal Tunnel becomes accessible for the first time when the chest of the Dragon-Burnt Ruins in Limgrave is opened. Once this Bell Bearing has been acquired, Somber Smithing Stones 1 and 2 are also sold by the Twin Maiden Husks of the Roundtable Hold.
Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 2
This Bell Bearing will be dropped by the Crystalians upon defeat inside Altus Tunnel. Enemies that are weak to Ash of War: Savage Lion's Claw, Ash of War: Wild Strikes, and shield bashes. The Altus Tunnel can be found just to the south of the Minor Erdtree in the Altus Plateau. When you show this Bell Bearing to the Twin Maiden Husks, Somber Smithing Stones [3] and [4] will be available for purchase in unlimited quantities.
Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 3
This Bell Bearing is on a corpse, just outside of the First Church of Marika in the Mountaintops of the Giants. If acquired, you will be able to purchase Somber Smithing Stones and from the Twin Maiden Husks.
Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 4
Travel to the Tempest-Facing Balcony Site of Grace in Crumbling Farum Azula. Ahead a bit, you'll find the Bell Bearing on a corpse at the edge. Bring it back to the Twin Maiden Husks to unlock the purchase of Somber Smithing Stones [7] and [8].
Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 5
To obtain this final Bell Bearing, first proceed to the Dragon Temple Rooftop Site of Grace in Crumbling Farum Azula. Cross the rooftops toward the dragon, staying right. You will soon come across a church where an Azula Beastman is guarding something to the left of his post. Defeat the beast man, and you will finally have the Bell Bearing, which allows one to buy Somber Smithing Stone [9] from the Twin Maiden Husks.
More Somber Smithing Stones in the Land of Shadows
Apart from the Bell Bearings, you will also have the chance to find Somber Smithing Stones at certain locations throughout the Land of Shadows. Here is the breakdown:
Somber Smithing Stone 1
A dead body on the left side from the entrance to Castle Ensis.
Another dead body next to the Castle Ensis Checkpoint Site of Grace.
This is located right side off the spiral staircase that leads up to the Divine Beast Dancing Lion, near a dead-end.
Somber Smithing Stone 2
After the defeat of Black Knight Garrew in Fog Rift Fort, explore the area with explosive barrels.
At the end of the bridge in Ancient Ruins of Rauh.
Above an iron gate near Rellana, Twin Moon Knight.
Somber Smithing Stone 3
Next to the fountain with Undead enemies near the Belurat, Tower Settlement Site of Grace.
Inside Taylew's Ruined Forge.
Auf einem Dach rechts vom Trollfeind, bevor man Schloss Ensis betritt.
Düsterer Schmiedestein 4
Neben der Burgherrenkammer liegt die Gnadenstätte.
Auf den Dächern gegenüber von Hornsent Grandam, in der Nähe des kleinen privaten Altars der Gnade.
Düsterer Schmiedestein 5
Bevor Sie die Wendeltreppe hinaufsteigen, die zu Rellana führt, Twin Moon Knight.
Entlang einer Sackgasse neben dem First Rise Site of Grace in Enir-Ilim.
Neben dem mit Urcerated Tree Spirit in Shadow Keep.
Düsterer Schmiedestein 6
Im Inneren von Taylews zerstörter Schmiede.
Gleich nachdem Sie das Eisentor geöffnet haben, gelangen Sie zu Rellana, Twin Moon Knight.
Auf einem enthaupteten Wachturm in Schloss Ensis.
Düsterer Schmiedestein 7
In der Nähe der Sackgasse hinter dem ersten Tor in Starfall Past Ruined Forge.
Von Schmiedegolems fallen gelassen.
Düsterer Schmiedestein 8
Im Inneren von Taylews zerstörter Schmiede.
Hinter dem versteckten Raum hinter dem Wasserfall, der zu den Abyssal Woods führt.
Auf den Holzbalken in Shadow Keep, vor dem Kampf gegen Commander Gaius.
Düsterer Schmiedestein 9
Nachdem du dich nach Enir-Ilim teleportiert hast, plündere die Leiche am Rand
Biegen Sie rechts ab, nachdem Sie den Aufzug zum Probenlager genommen haben.
Auf einem Ast in den antiken Ruinen von Rauh, wo ein Feind Zauber aus
Düstere uralte Drachenschmiedesteine
Im Land der Schatten gibt es sechs düstere, uralte Drachenschmiedesteine:
Grabstätte Ebene
Scadu Altus
Himmelblaue Küste
Jagged Peak (zwei Steine)
Durch vorsichtiges Suchen und Erkunden in Lands Between können Sie alle Somber Smithing Stones erwerben, um Ihre Spezialwaffen vollständig zu verbessern.
Wenn Sie nicht wissen, wie Sie in Elden Ring Drachenherzen finden, finden Sie hier eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, die Ihnen weiterhilft.
In diesem Leitfaden werde ich Ihnen beibringen, wo Sie den Spiked Caestus in Elden Ring finden