VIDEO Nike Just Do It Germany: Sonne TV commercial 2019 • Zeina ist Athletin und eine echte Kämpferin – innerhalb und außerhalb des Rings. Egal wie hart die Treffer sind, die Zeina einstecken muss, sie steht immer wieder auf. Auf ihrem Weg will sie Mädchen und Frauen motivieren, ihre Träume zu verfolgen. „Du tust es nie nur für dich“ ist ein Aufruf an alle Athletinnen und Athleten die sich weltweit für gleiche Spielfelder einsetzen, aktiv zu werden, Haltung zu zeigen und ihr Bestes zu geben. Nike glaubt an eine Welt, in der wir alle zu Heldinnen und Helden werden können. Du tust es nie nur für dich. Just Do It. Zeina is an athlete and a true fighter in the ring and beyond. No matter how hard the hits she had to take – she gets up again and again. On her journey she wants to motivate girls and women to pursue their dreams. “You never do it just for yourself” is a call on all athletes worldwide, who fight for an equal playing field to get active, taking a stand and to give their best. Nike believes in a world in which everyone can become a hero. You never do it just for yourself. Just do it.- advertisement spot 2019
Notes for 106 Just Do It Germany: Sonne
It is important to note that the videos that are presented on this website are not the property of, nor were they produced by us. This is a very important issue that should be kept in mind. We will do all in our power to ensure that you have access to the commercials that you choose to watch on television and the internet, with the ultimate goal of making it possible for you to see these advertisements. It is anticipated that these commercials will continue to be available to the general public for as long as the firm continues to publish them to YouTube or other websites. We would be happy if you could share the lyrics to the song or the identities of the actors or actresses who appear in these advertisements with us with the aim of publishing them. If you are aware of either of these things, please let us know with the intention of publishing them. I want to express my gratitude in advance for your aid with this situation.
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