Video pub Tommy Hilfiger The Collaboration I TOMMY X LEWIS X H.E.R.

Date de Sortie: 2020-02-29
video pub Tommy Hilfiger The Collaboration I TOMMY X LEWIS X H.E.R. 2020 • Lewis Hamilton and H.E.R. come together and discuss their love for fashion and the process of co-creating the TOMMY X LEWIS X H.E.R. Capsule Collection. Discover how they co-created a collection focused on breaking boundaries, staying true to onesel and the importance of loyalty.

00:06 hey you look nice
00:10 and you good good to see you and you
00:13 welcome to London
00:14 thank you okay cool oh this looks so
00:16 good on you so good I know right
00:18 everything turned out like you happy
00:21 with it better than I expected
00:22 yeah I'm so happy you like it I love
00:24 working with you I think we're kind of
00:26 in sync creatively with Tommy's and like
00:29 a dream come true for me growing up
00:31 looking at just so many people wearing
00:33 Tommy and my mom where's Tommy it's kind
00:36 of surreal well you're part of the
00:37 family now
00:38 yeah yeah I feel very special something
00:40 it's really inspiring what you've been
00:43 doing thank you and that's why when I
00:44 was talking to Tommy they're like yo we
00:46 gotta do something with who would you
00:48 like to work with I was like her I love
00:49 I've got to do something with her no way
00:51 you inspire me because you wear so many
00:53 hats I mean the fashion world I went to
00:56 a fashion show and I just fell in love
00:58 with the whole circus you know just all
01:01 these people from different walks of
01:02 life everyone dressed differently
01:04 everyone was so unique III just kind of
01:07 caught the buzz and that's when I kind
01:08 of met Tommy and tell me was as you know
01:11 just is such an incredible human being
01:13 yet she's what's been great is that it
01:15 allowed me to incorporate my DNA my
01:17 ideas and really take it where I want
01:20 and change the colors and just switch it
01:21 yeah and they've been happy with it you
01:24 know what made you get into fashion I
01:25 love fashion I've always loved fashion I
01:28 just found that I had like this unique
01:30 signature thing so I thought why not
01:31 start to create my own pieces and start
01:35 to go into that world that they live in
01:37 surprised of how open you've been and
01:38 then when you came into that room we
01:40 didn't have an ego and you're very
01:41 forthcoming with ideas yeah I'm learning
01:43 you know this is my first time and I'm
01:46 really just grateful so what is your
01:47 vision in terms of inspiring the next
01:48 generation I'm constantly changing you
01:51 know I'm so young I've done so much but
01:53 I just want the next generation to not
01:55 give in to those pressures that we have
01:57 now because of social media and kind of
02:00 getting back to the real and getting
02:01 back to seeing through the filters I
02:03 mean it's kind of a scary thought
02:05 because I never thought that I would be
02:06 in the position
02:07 to be you know inspiring somebody really
02:09 all about positivity and trying to just
02:11 lift people up I like trying to see if I
02:13 can get that message out to people and
02:15 them to embrace their individuality and
02:17 their difference
02:18 I still struggle even with like I'm like
02:21 I don't fit in you know and then at the
02:24 end of feeling that way I remember
02:26 that's why I am Who I am so I can be
02:29 that other people like you said yeah
02:31 definitely never felt like I've Jimmy
02:33 fitted mm-hm
02:34 but I like that that's cool I'm happy
02:36 over there Milan because I'm also
02:37 showing these other kids that just stay
02:39 focused on the goal and which is just in
02:42 front of you and I've got a race right
02:43 in front of me and the thing is I'm
02:44 there to win I'm inspired by you thank
02:46 you so much thank you know for being a
02:48 part of this because it's just been
02:50 incredible and I'm so proud to see you
02:51 wear know the pieces that we've come to
02:53 come together to collaborate oh yeah
02:55 we're winning we are always good we have
02:57 their best charlie win like you Charlie
03:02 [Music] - Tommy Hilfiger pub spot 2020

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Tout comme la question précédente ne traite pas cette information, nous réitérons l'invitation à partager si vous connaissez la réponse du chanson de cette campagne de marketing de Tommy Hilfiger

Cela témoigne du génie créatif derrière et de leur compréhension des sentiments de leur public.

De plus, la publicité présente efficacement le produit ou le service de la marque d'une manière qui semble organique et parfaitement intégrée au récit. Cela n’apparaît pas comme un argumentaire de vente forcé, mais plutôt comme une partie naturelle de l’histoire racontée. Cette approche rend la publicité plus mémorable et laisse une impression durable sur le public.

la publicité est également soutenue par une bande-son mémorable qui complète parfaitement les visuels et la narration. La musique ajoute une autre couche de profondeur à la publicité, améliorant encore l'expérience visuelle globale.

D'un point de vue marketing, cette publicité d'Abancommercials est un excellent exemple de la façon dont une narration efficace et une résonance émotionnelle peuvent élever le message d'une marque. Cela va au-delà de la simple promotion d’un produit et laisse une impression durable dans l’esprit des consommateurs.

Date de sortie: 2020-02-29
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Aban Sof C.A.
