Video pub Movie Coverage THE KING OF STATEN ISLAND "Pete Davidson's Real Life" Trailer (2020) New Comedy Movie

Date de Sortie: 2020-05-17
video pub Movie Coverage THE KING OF STATEN ISLAND "Pete Davidson's Real Life" Trailer (2020) New Comedy Movie 2020 • THE KING OF STATEN ISLAND "Pete Davidson's Real Life" Trailer (2020) New Comedy Movie
© 2020 - Universal

00:00 we'll never understand pete but this
00:02 will definitely like help
00:04 speaking of the star of the show who's
00:07 bringing that energy today
00:12 he's doing a good job getting ready for
00:14 his career working at a car wash why do
00:15 i have to clean this thing anyway it's
00:17 just going to get
00:17 fire on it when you see something like
00:20 pete you know there's a lot going on
00:22 but you really don't know what it is i
00:24 think that people are interested
00:26 in his struggle they want to know how
00:28 are you doing you know what what
00:29 happened to you the king of staten
00:31 island is an opportunity for pete to
00:33 tell you about himself and to tell you
00:34 about his feelings and his journey
00:36 what is that date uh that's uh the date
00:38 my dad died oh my god
00:41 pete is from staten island his father
00:44 was a fireman who lost his life on
00:46 9 11. and it was really so hard for him
00:50 to recover and i would even say it's
00:53 just been recently that
00:54 he's finds in his way and being okay i
00:57 think he's very fortunate that amy is
00:59 his mother because she's behind him all
01:01 the way
01:01 god takes a lot of energy to keep up
01:03 with him and he's been to the middle
01:05 your dark sense of humor doesn't work
01:07 for me i find it funny
01:08 one of the first conversations we had
01:10 was how autobiographical
01:12 should the king of staten island be we
01:13 decided that it could be completely
01:15 fictional
01:16 but it's an imagining of what pete's
01:18 life would have been
01:19 if he didn't find comedy any dreams of
01:22 being a tattoo artist
01:23 but what are you gonna do are you gonna
01:24 get a job or are you gonna leave the
01:26 house
01:27 i'm gonna open that tattoo restaurant no
01:29 like for real it's never been done
01:31 before
01:31 i looked it up the movie is like my love
01:34 letter to my mom
01:35 and trying to end that part of my life i
01:38 feel like
01:38 maybe we got to a place where we could
01:40 finally let go a little bit
01:41 i think this movie has stirred up a lot
01:43 of emotions for him though like both
01:45 good and bad but i think
01:46 it'll be therapeutic this movie is about
01:48 things that are very real to pete
01:50 and there are a lot of real participants
01:53 involved with john sorrentino
01:54 worked with pete's dad terry gaines
01:57 coulson
01:58 ricky is pete's best friend his other
02:00 best friend dave wrote the movie with us
02:02 i really wanted all uh the people in it
02:05 to crush
02:06 more than anything we got to put them in
02:08a place where they could hit home runs
02:09 and they all did
02:10 it's just so cool to watch this story
02:12 finally come alive and
02:13 watch pete take something that's so
02:15 vulnerable i think a lot of people
02:16 don't understand pete and this is a nice
02:18 little like look into his life
02:20 something's really cool about someone
02:21 like admitting to themselves
02:23 all the faults and all the realities of
02:26 like how they got to where they're at
02:27 i'm even curious to just like get to
02:29 know someone i feel like i know so well
02:31 more while watching this movie did you
02:33 happen to get a chance to take a look at
02:35 the uh i mean i drew like that too when
02:36 i was 14. you know it's a really
02:38 beautiful thing to share
02:39 something that's this hard with other
02:42 people it's it's a real gift
02:44 and i'm sure like loads of young people
02:46 are going to relate to this
02:48 someone too scared to take a leap to
02:50 like do anything with their life who's
02:51 hindered by mental health and has
02:53 trauma and i just think it's really
02:55 amazing that he's kind of laying that
02:57 all out to bear
02:58 i'm just hoping you enjoy the movie and
03:00 that you could relate to it in a certain
03:02 way
03:05 i just feel like everybody's always
03:07 disappointed in me you're one of the few
03:08 people who treat me you know like a
03:10 person
03:10 you're welcome hopefully it's all been a
03:12 really positive life-changing type of
03:15 experience for him hey guys have fun out
03:18 there all right
03:20 that's what we do we make movies
03:22 [Music]
03:25 well dad's still dead
03:28 what are you doing with your life i want
03:30 to become a real tattoo artist your work
03:31 is mad and consistent
03:33 obama ain't right you don't get that
03:36 crazy your whole life just cause dad
03:37 died okay
03:38 your dad was a hero and heroes are
03:42 [Music]
03:43 [Applause]
03:44 necessary
03:46 why don't we have to clean this anyway
03:48 we're trying to show up sexy to a fire
03:50 i like them the king of staten island
03:53 rated r
03:54 trailer out now are you a weirdo oh the
03:56 weirdest
03:57 i just feel like everybody's always
03:58 disappointed in me and i never live up
04:00 to anybody's expectations
04:02 hey thanks for listening all this you're
04:03 one of the few people who treat me you
04:05 know like a person
04:06 you're welcome the king of staten island
04:08 rated r trailer out now
04:16 [Music]
04:27 [Music]
04:29 you - Movie Coverage pub spot 2020

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Cela témoigne du génie créatif derrière et de leur compréhension des sentiments de leur public.

De plus, la publicité présente efficacement le produit ou le service de la marque d'une manière qui semble organique et parfaitement intégrée au récit. Cela n’apparaît pas comme un argumentaire de vente forcé, mais plutôt comme une partie naturelle de l’histoire racontée. Cette approche rend la publicité plus mémorable et laisse une impression durable sur le public.

la publicité est également soutenue par une bande-son mémorable qui complète parfaitement les visuels et la narration. La musique ajoute une autre couche de profondeur à la publicité, améliorant encore l'expérience visuelle globale.

D'un point de vue marketing, cette publicité d'Abancommercials est un excellent exemple de la façon dont une narration efficace et une résonance émotionnelle peuvent élever le message d'une marque. Cela va au-delà de la simple promotion d’un produit et laisse une impression durable dans l’esprit des consommateurs.

Date de sortie: 2020-05-17
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