Video pub Cartier Chapter 3: Cartier and the Russian influences

Date de Sortie: 2019-09-25
video pub Cartier Chapter 3: Cartier and the Russian influences 2019 • Explore Chapter 3 of the L’Odyssée de Cartier saga
Russia is one of the major stylistic influences present throughout the history of Cartier. During his first journey there in 1904, Cartier discovers a world of influences: from enamel work to folkloric headdress, hard stones with new color combinations.

00:00 [Music]
00:01 it could be the beginning of a great
00:03 Russian novel but in fact it's a true
00:06 story an opportunity to discover new
00:09 territories who crossing the white pages
00:12 on which Akashi brothers inspiration run
00:15 free
00:17 [Music]
00:26 it is a very end of the 19th century
00:29 when a great journey is toward behalf
00:31 every one hurry is to bows on us and
00:33 Express from Prince sensitive to my
00:35 above live now many members of the
00:37 imperial court can be spotted traveling
00:39 on basel train destination paris and its
00:42 international exhibitions its welfare's
00:44 and most importantly paris as a
00:47 refinement of the business of Castile
00:49 all of refugia rushes to the City of
00:51 Lights and piache status on Draenei in
00:53 1907 fresh chevre war theme an official
00:57 suppliers license here we are
00:59 a century later the heart of Russia
01:02 still beats within the mezzo
01:03 a 197 Gareth cushion-shaped survived a
01:07 builted selena maria feodorovna
01:09 said in a bracelet by cathy in 2015 it
01:13 is now called the Romanov braceland
01:15 callosum peccatis creative whirlwind
01:18 meets russian appearance towards end of
01:21 the eighteen hundreds he starts working
01:23 with platinum which turns into lace
01:25 kashia's just invented the gallant style
01:28 she had animals and Cera's became light
01:31 and airy come closer
01:33 it has arrived gaseous Russia has an
01:37 admirer of version techniques the
01:39 jewelry maker studies them he imports a
01:42 rare art of cryptic
01:43 by which one sculpts gemstones and an
01:46 arrival craft preciously kept alive by
01:49 Zuma's oh thanks to a dedicated Italy it
01:51 can still be found throughout high
01:53 jewelry collections of today 1909 the
01:57 ballyhoo is probably the City of Lights
01:59 the passionate movement electrified
02:01 Paris the new color palette emerges and
02:04 catches inspiration source ever so
02:07 delicate pieces inspired by phasers
02:10 blue and wrinkled together as a peacock
02:12 pattern appears a unique color
02:14 combination that becomes a maze of
02:17 signature style cat his art has
02:19 travelled far
02:21 and was displayed in the Heritage Museum
02:23 in 1992 today a new chapter in the saga
02:26 is unfolding it is taking Kathy to the
02:29 heart of Moscow and Mazzy opening of a
02:32 new store as a result catches russian
02:34 novel is far from over
02:37 you

- Cartier pub spot 2019

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la publicité est également soutenue par une bande-son mémorable qui complète parfaitement les visuels et la narration. La musique ajoute une autre couche de profondeur à la publicité, améliorant encore l'expérience visuelle globale.

D'un point de vue marketing, cette publicité d'Abancommercials est un excellent exemple de la façon dont une narration efficace et une résonance émotionnelle peuvent élever le message d'une marque. Cela va au-delà de la simple promotion d’un produit et laisse une impression durable dans l’esprit des consommateurs.

Date de sortie: 2019-09-25
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