Video pub CALVIN KLEIN 7 Signs of an Ill Fitting Bra

Date de Sortie: 2019-11-05
video pub CALVIN KLEIN 7 Signs of an Ill Fitting Bra 2019 • Even if you think you have the right size bra, there will be times when it doesn't feel 100% comfortable. In this video CALVIN KLEIN outlines common bra-fitting problems with solutions on how to overcome them.

You should be comfortable in every type of bra you wear. There are a few telling points to bear in mind when trying on a bra, from digging-in underwire to a band that rides high at the back. These issues can be easily corrected or avoided – find the answers to common bra-fitting problems in the following CALVIN KLEIN guide: #CKunfiltered: bra talk – 7 Signs of an Ill-fitting Bra.

00:00 signs of an ill-fitting bra so what do
00:07 you look out for fans riding high at the
00:09 back boob spinach underwire digging in
00:13 and straps leaving marks there is no
00:15 better feeling when you find a bride and
00:17 it fits you properly it's liberating
00:19 so when you buy a bra when you try it on
00:22 you want to make sure that the band is
00:23 on the loose is hurt that way you can
00:25 tighten it and it loosens overtime with
00:28 wear and make sure it's parallel to the
00:29 floor
00:30 underwire digging in check for the wire
00:32 around the boobs it needs to sit to the
00:35 chest and go behind the boom we get this
00:39 in this bit isn't part of your boob
00:41 don't try and shove it in your bra it's
00:43 part of your body just embrace it
00:47 so you should never have like the double
00:50 boob the forgery your boob should be
00:53 within the run you might need to go up a
00:55 cup size perhaps leaving marks you can
00:58 adjust them to make sure that they're
00:59 comfortable it shouldn't be digging in
01:01 leaving red marks most of the support in
01:03 your bra actually comes from your band
01:05 you should be able to remove the straps
01:07 and your bra shouldn't move that much
01:09 make sure the front base sitting flat if
01:12 you find that it's being pushed up by
01:13 your boobs it may be that your cup size
01:16 is too small remember that you'll be
01:18 change shape over the course of the
01:20 month or the year or a few years check
01:22 and just adjust accordingly stay abreast
01:25 of the situation - CALVIN KLEIN pub spot 2019

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Date de sortie: 2019-11-05
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