Video pub Dior 2024 Geri Halliwell-Horner's Dior Cruise 2025 Day

Date de Sortie: 2024-06-10
video pub Dior Geri Halliwell-Horner's Dior Cruise 2025 Day 2024 • Geri Halliwell-Horner's Dior Cruise 2025 Day

Accompany Geri Halliwell-Horner to The Gleneagles Hotel where she learns about the House's long association with Scotland and the show held there in 1955, before she leaves later for the #DiorCruise 2025 unveiling at Drummond Castle, where the collection by Maria Grazia Chiuri writes the latest chapter in this ongoing story.
© Melinda Triana
Association Willy Maywald / ADAGP, Paris 2024
Thurston Hopkins / Getty Images

0:01 Bonjour!
0:02 C’est moi Geri, Geri Halliwell.
0:05 Enchantée!
0:07 Today, we’re going to have a little bit
0:08 of déjeuner at Gleneagles.
0:12 I hear salmon, it’s very healthy.
0:15 And then I go and look at the Dior exhibition
0:17 of amazing dresses.
0:19 It’s very interesting, because Christian Dior,
0:22 one of his early shows was here.
0:26 Welcome to the “Dior in Scotland” exhibition.
0:29 Bonjour.
0:31 So we find ourselves in the very room
0:33 where was held the Spring-Summer 1955 show
0:36 of Christian Dior.
0:37 And 172 looks were presented there,
0:41 and only eight models.
0:42 Can you imagine?
0:43 That’s a lot of changes.
0:44 Exactly.
0:45 People were crowding at the doors
0:46 because it was a huge success.
0:48 And what made him choose Scotland, here?
0:50 Christian Dior was really, really fond of British tailoring,
0:54 but also Scottish fabric, like the tweed and the flannel
0:58 and the woolen fabric, as you can see on this dress,
1:01 which is named ‘‘Scottish’’.
1:05 So these are four looks that were presented
1:08 in Glasgow Central Hotel in 1951.
1:11 This one is called ‘‘Ligne de Chance”.
1:14 There is a twist in the collar, it is in the shape of a keyhole.
1:19 This one is ‘‘Cachottier”.
1:21 In French, it means someone who hides things.
1:24 ‘‘Cachottier”.
1:25 ‘‘Cachottier”, yes.
1:26 Each dress has its own personality.
1:29 What does ‘‘Bonne façon” mean?
1:30 The good way.
1:32 One would like to hope, if you're wearing this dress,
1:34 you have good manners.
1:37 Wow.
1:37 This is the ‘‘A Line”.
1:39 Oh, my goodness!
1:41 So this is the most austere looking of the lot, isn't it?
1:44 The most sensible woman.
1:46 Exactly.
1:47 Oh, this is gorgeous.
1:48 Do you like the color difference?
1:50 Yeah, it's powerful and romantic.
1:52 It's like colliding the two opposites together.
1:55 It's interesting.
1:56 So, now would you wear this dress?
1:59 Love it. I'd wear that now.
2:00 It's beautiful.
2:01 Then it says ‘‘Fête au Village”.
2:03 And it's got that influence of rural village,
2:06 sort of, countryside girl.
2:09 Really cute.
2:12 I remember in my 20s, I wore a lot of black.
2:14 It was black, black, black.
2:16 And then, I suddenly,
2:18 I found myself wearing a lot of white and cream
2:21 and it instantly feels very simple.
2:25 Everything matches, suddenly.
2:27 My life is easy.
2:30 What I love about Dior is that it has always
2:33 celebrated the female form, which is fantastic.
2:36 So today I picked something
2:38 that I felt that was timeless,
2:42 but this is the evolution of time.
2:44 Your artistic director, very clever lady.
2:48 Okay, Maria Grazia Chiuri, she brought pockets and I thought,
2:50 Maria Grazia Chiuri, she brought pockets and I thought,
2:52 okay, you've got me if you give me a dress
2:55 or a skirt with pockets.
2:58 Just it’s timeless.
2:59 I feel like clothes should enhance my experience of life.
3:05 George Michael, who was a very big influence
3:07 and friend of mine, he always gave me fashion advice.
3:09 He'd be very honest with me.
3:11 He said to me, wipe off all the make-up.
3:14 Keep it simple.
3:15 Look at Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly.
3:18 And he’d take me shopping.
3:20 He just picked things out for me and dressed me.
3:22 Please invite Madame Geri Halliwell-Horner
3:25 to discover the Cruise 2025 collection.
3:28 Monday, June 3rd, 2024, 6:30.
3:31 Oops, we’d better get on.
3:33 I'm very excited to see the clothes
3:35 which have an influence of Mary, Queen of Scots.
3:38 I forgot my bag!
3:40 Now we are in for a real treat.
3:42 Have you got my bag?
3:43 The show is at Drummond Castle.
3:46 It's meant to be absolutely beautiful.
3:48 Gorgeous gardens, gorgeous nature.
3:50 Full of history.
3:54 I'm not an expert on Scotland,
3:56 but what I can tell you is this,
3:59 the Scots are full of pride
4:01 and they're honest and they're practical.
4:03 The kilt was born in Scotland.
4:06 It had many uses.
4:08 As well as wearing it,
4:09 you could actually use it as a blanket to keep warm.
4:14 Maria Grazia Chiuri is incredible.
4:16 When you watch the detail, it's actually quite overwhelming.
4:20 You could see the influence of history in there.
4:22 It was powerful.
4:25 It was feminine.
4:26 You know, this is inspired by Scotland.
4:28 Mary, Queen of Scots.
4:30 It's in the armory,
4:32 but then you've got the sensuality and the timeless pieces
4:36 and the basques in there.
4:37 It's brilliant.
4:39 The puffball skirt or that velvet dress,
4:42 the black one with the pearls.
4:43 I was like…
4:46 And then, you know, to have the landscape of this beautiful,
4:50 beautiful castle.
4:52 I have to say, it completely blew me away.
4:54 I mean, what an artist.
4:56 And so thoughtful.
4:58 Brilliant, brilliant.

- Dior pub spot 2024

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la publicité est également soutenue par une bande-son mémorable qui complète parfaitement les visuels et la narration. La musique ajoute une autre couche de profondeur à la publicité, améliorant encore l'expérience visuelle globale.

D'un point de vue marketing, cette publicité d'Abancommercials est un excellent exemple de la façon dont une narration efficace et une résonance émotionnelle peuvent élever le message d'une marque. Cela va au-delà de la simple promotion d’un produit et laisse une impression durable dans l’esprit des consommateurs.

Date de sortie: 2024-06-10
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