Video pub PlayStation The Last of Us Part II | Au cœur des détails - VOSTFR | Exclu PS4

Date de Sortie: 2020-05-28
video pub PlayStation The Last of Us Part II | Au cœur des détails - VOSTFR | Exclu PS4 2020 • The Last of Us Part II sera disponible le 19 juin exclusivement sur PS4.

Avant d'embarquer avec Ellie pour de nouvelles aventures dans The Last of Us Part II, découvrez le processus créatif qui a accompagné la naissance de cet univers et de ses personnages avec l'équipe de Naughty Dog.

00:03 [Music]
00:06 so one of the things that makes Nadia
00:08 dog specialist are insane attention to
00:11 detail
00:12 [Music]
00:16 and that comes from just extreme amount
00:20 of research so whether it's researching
00:24 of theme let's say this this idea of
00:26 retribution or justice like we would
00:29 read a ton of books and look at movies
00:32 and even watch like interviews and news
00:35 programs about stuff that's going on the
00:37 world and then discuss it among
00:38 ourselves like what's happening here
00:40 what can we draw from this how can we
00:42 base these fictional characters on
00:44 reality to make them feel more authentic
00:48 [Music]
00:52 I hope with this game is to create the
00:55 most authentic characters that you've
00:57 seen in a game not just le not just Joel
00:59 but that every character you see is
01:02 dimensional obviously in telling a
01:05 character-driven story you have to
01:07 create characters and it starts with a
01:10 story concept that then can develop into
01:14 level ideas and more specific narrative
01:18 beats once we kind of have a good
01:21 understanding of the narrative that
01:23 we're after we could start writing
01:25 scripts and that's really the first time
01:29 the characters come to life and they're
01:30 speaking even though it's just words on
01:32 the page now they're becoming more
01:34 specific and the next step after that is
01:37 to either bring in the existing cast
01:39 from the first game such as Ashley
01:42 Johnson who played Ellie and Troy Baker
01:43 who played Joel or casting new
01:46 characters and they're interpreting the
01:48 material and bringing their knowledge of
01:51 these characters and their take on these
01:54 characters to life
01:56 I think authenticity from every
01:59 department has been kind of a goal or a
02:02 focus whether or not that's in the
02:04 animations and how we're mo capping or
02:06 in the effects and how we're simulating
02:08 you know the different elements to get
02:10 the effect look that we want in game we
02:13 wanted it to be as realistic as possible
02:15 as believable as possible so that as
02:17 you're playing you can hopefully get
02:20 fully invested in it and fully immersed
02:21 and we didn't want to have a character
02:23 moment where it's unbelievable both from
02:26 a narrative and visual standpoint some
02:29 other advance that we've had is like now
02:30 we can like make veins pop on their
02:32 forehead if like they're really angry or
02:35 likewise there's we can redden their
02:37 skin it could be based on emotion or it
02:40 could be based on what's happening to
02:41 them physically
02:42 how read their eyes can get this
02:44 controllable how tears flow off their
02:47 eyes in their face is all new tech that
02:51 we've developed for this game hey we got
02:54 another girl did you see additionally we
02:58 have this human nuance to our human
03:01 enemies that makes the situations that
03:05 you're in so much more terrifying and
03:08 emotionally affecting than they would be
03:10 otherwise
03:10 because at almost every turn we've gone
03:13 as far as we possibly can go to make our
03:17 human enemies feel as human as possible
03:18 I got something you can hear the enemy
03:24 is calling out looking for you and
03:26 giving you slight little gameplay hints
03:29 as to what they're gonna do and so you
03:31 can try to plan around it we got
03:36 something I'll go see what's up so
03:39 whether that's the nuance of their
03:40 awareness system is like what they
03:42 should know about and when how they
03:44 convey knowledge to their friends to the
03:46 kind of emotional content of the game so
03:48 when they refer to each other by name
03:51 when they scream and anguish when they
03:53 see their friend die
03:58 when they they scream and anger as their
04:01 like kind of trying to hunt you down or
04:03 attack you they feel real and it makes
04:07 the situation that you're in feel real
04:08 in a way that you haven't seen before
04:10 and you might not be ready for there was
04:17 a ton of research that was done into
04:19 foliage and different kind of foliage
04:22 that existed in different parts of the
04:23 country to make those areas feel
04:24 authentic studying local architecture of
04:27 wherever we are and making sure that
04:29 feels authentic we took three trips up
04:32 to Seattle we actually got photo scanned
04:34 out of like natural elements in the
04:35 forests and went through and walked the
04:38 path of le through Seattle to actually
04:41 get as much reference that we could and
04:43 that was anything from going you know
04:45 inside buildings and taking pictures of
04:48 signs on the wall to various bus stops
04:52 and awnings around the world like we're
04:54 trying to find those kind of iconic
04:57 details and bring them into the
04:58 environment that once we get it into the
05:00 final game it's like it all comes
05:02 together to hopefully make something as
05:04 believable as we can hopefully with all
05:06 these things combined it it gives you
05:09 the feeling that you're playing at
05:10 Naughty Dog game this is what we go for
05:12 I feel like these are all real people I
05:15 feel like this is a real place I feel
05:17 like this was a real situation that I
05:19 was in and I handled it in a way that
05:21 makes sense if this was real life
05:25 [Music]
05:27 please - PlayStation pub spot 2020

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Il est possible que le titre: "The Last of Us Part II | Au cœur des détails - VOSTFR | Exclu PS4" ne soit pas officiel de cet endroit, car parfois les titres originaux doivent être enrichis, de sorte que ce nom reflète le contenu de la vidéo ou l'information de la promotion

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Qui sont les acteurs ou qui est l'actrice ou l'acteur qui apparaissent dans la vidéo PlayStation The Last of Us Part II | Au cœur des détails - VOSTFR | Exclu PS4?

Comme nous ne sommes pas les producteurs de ce spot PlayStation D’autres vidéos qui apparaissent sur notre site, nous ne traitons pas la plupart des données liées à casting qui apparaissent dans les vidéos des différentes campagnes publicitaires de PlayStation ou d’autres marques, nous vous invitons cependant à savoir si vous connaissez le casting, écrivez-nous pour l'inclure dans la vidéo

Quel est le nom de la chanson du PlayStation The Last of Us Part II | Au cœur des détails - VOSTFR | Exclu PS4 publicité?

Tout comme la question précédente ne traite pas cette information, nous réitérons l'invitation à partager si vous connaissez la réponse du chanson de cette campagne de marketing de PlayStation

Cela témoigne du génie créatif derrière et de leur compréhension des sentiments de leur public.

De plus, la publicité présente efficacement le produit ou le service de la marque d'une manière qui semble organique et parfaitement intégrée au récit. Cela n’apparaît pas comme un argumentaire de vente forcé, mais plutôt comme une partie naturelle de l’histoire racontée. Cette approche rend la publicité plus mémorable et laisse une impression durable sur le public.

la publicité est également soutenue par une bande-son mémorable qui complète parfaitement les visuels et la narration. La musique ajoute une autre couche de profondeur à la publicité, améliorant encore l'expérience visuelle globale.

D'un point de vue marketing, cette publicité d'Abancommercials est un excellent exemple de la façon dont une narration efficace et une résonance émotionnelle peuvent élever le message d'une marque. Cela va au-delà de la simple promotion d’un produit et laisse une impression durable dans l’esprit des consommateurs.

Date de sortie: 2020-05-28
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Aban Sof C.A.
