Video pub Movie Coverage AMAZING STORIES Trailer 2 (NEW 2020) Steven Spielberg Series

Date de Sortie: 2020-04-06
video pub Movie Coverage AMAZING STORIES Trailer 2 (NEW 2020) Steven Spielberg Series 2020 • AMAZING STORIES Trailer 2 (NEW 2020) Steven Spielberg Series
© 2020 - Apple TV

00:01 the original Amazing Stories was an
00:04 iconic show the idea that there was a
00:07 Spielberg bit of magic every week that
00:09 would be in your home was like beyond
00:11 comprehension as a kid what is it no
00:14 that's fine now what I love so much
00:17 about Amazing Stories is that really
00:19 opens up your imagination every week you
00:23 are in a different world is it a ghost
00:25 story
00:25 is it an alien story like you just never
00:27 know and that was our goal for this show
00:32 all the episodes have their own themes
00:36 and unique stories about what happens
00:38 when the ordinary touches the
00:40 extraordinary of course not these
00:46 episodes represent every walk of life
00:49 it's really an escape into a world of
00:52 wonder and possibility they're these
00:55 great adventure stories they have a lot
00:59 of heart and they have a message beyond
01:02 the adventure at hand
01:03 [Music]
01:08 I love that each episode you can get
01:11 wrapped up in an entirely new world
01:13 entirely different story maybe all this
01:15 always happened maybe you always meant
01:17 to come back with me I think it's so
01:19 cinematic and epic different story
01:25 these are stories that don't shy away
01:28 from complex human reality
01:32 so what's coming their stories that
01:34 movie stories that are about human
01:35 connection gotta go now it really makes
01:38 your hair stand on end we're bringing
01:44 back that same level of magic that
01:46 people got when they first started
01:48 watching amazing stories it was so much
01:52 fun to craft these episodes to do ghost
01:56 story and to do an alien story to do a
01:58 superhero story and a time travel story
02:00 and a romance we're really excited now
02:02 that everyone's finally get a chance to
02:04 see
02:05 study it all you want answer isn't up
02:08 there it's not written in the stars
02:12 we're in control
02:15 you know it's time for you to stop
02:16 looking
02:17 [Music]
02:20 your life is waiting go out there and
02:25 get it
02:25 [Music]
02:34 your turn now
02:36 [Music]
02:39 [Applause]
02:44 [Music]
02:50 just how many of these things have you
02:52 dealt with more than most people feel
02:54 comfortable knowing about and how many
02:58 times have you failed more times and
03:00 most people would feel comfortable
03:01 knowing about
03:05 what if it does these things for a
03:08 reason
03:10 maybe all this always happen
03:14 maybe you were always meant to come back
03:15 with me I gotta figure this out I may
03:21 have something great buckle up
03:26 you're a superhero grandma
03:30 [Music]
03:32 that's not a coincidence
03:35 you got into something big I'll see you
03:38 on the other side
03:40 [Music]
03:50 it's a pretty good story be nice I'll
03:54 tell it to you sometime
03:56 [Music]
04:18 you - Movie Coverage pub spot 2020

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Tout comme la question précédente ne traite pas cette information, nous réitérons l'invitation à partager si vous connaissez la réponse du chanson de cette campagne de marketing de Movie Coverage

Cela témoigne du génie créatif derrière et de leur compréhension des sentiments de leur public.

De plus, la publicité présente efficacement le produit ou le service de la marque d'une manière qui semble organique et parfaitement intégrée au récit. Cela n’apparaît pas comme un argumentaire de vente forcé, mais plutôt comme une partie naturelle de l’histoire racontée. Cette approche rend la publicité plus mémorable et laisse une impression durable sur le public.

la publicité est également soutenue par une bande-son mémorable qui complète parfaitement les visuels et la narration. La musique ajoute une autre couche de profondeur à la publicité, améliorant encore l'expérience visuelle globale.

D'un point de vue marketing, cette publicité d'Abancommercials est un excellent exemple de la façon dont une narration efficace et une résonance émotionnelle peuvent élever le message d'une marque. Cela va au-delà de la simple promotion d’un produit et laisse une impression durable dans l’esprit des consommateurs.

Date de sortie: 2020-04-06
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Aban Sof C.A.
