Video pub Beats by Dre Sampa The Great "Final Form" | Beat x Beat

Date de Sortie: 2019-11-21
video pub Beats by Dre Sampa The Great "Final Form" | Beat x Beat 2019 • Beats by Dr. Dre’s latest Beat x Beat is with Zambian-born and Melbourne-based artist Sampa the Great. The 3-minute video shares an inside look at how Sampa and producer Silent Jay created her recent hit track “Final Form” from her newly launched album “The Return.” In addition to sharing how the song was built, Sampa also discusses themes around identity and home in the single.

00:02 are you ready for the return ladies the
00:10 greatest version of yourself probably is
00:12 your younger self before you were
00:13 influenced by the world in a spiritual
00:16 sense final form is you going back to
00:19 that person meaning after life is a huge
00:24 thing
00:24 born in Zambia risen boot sauna when I
00:26 came to Melbourne and I just feel like
00:28 I've had to reincarnate myself like a
00:30 hundred times already because the song
00:33 was super cinematic I wanted to create a
00:35 world lately and introduce you to the
00:38 character it was the beginning of a
00:40 story that's how it started out and then
00:43 it just turned into what I wanted to be
00:46 [Music]
00:57 okay napkin called
01:00 aka we're in the barn house in Wales
01:11 there was nothing around we was like in
01:13 a valley
01:13 we weren't even think we were just
01:14 flowing it's 4:00 a.m. just pure
01:17 expression you know thinking how it
01:19 sounds
01:19 I wake up in the morning like eight nine
01:21 and he'll wake up at what twelve so we
01:23 like night and day
01:24 there's this certain time where we're
01:26 both like you know peak I didn't have my
01:29 records with me so we were just going
01:31 through samples on my computer vinyl
01:33 rips that my cousin really my cousin
01:36 Tina was the one crazy digger we went
01:39 through a bunch of samples you heard
01:41 this the silver sample
01:45 [Music]
01:47 it was like yo let's let's flip this I
01:50 was like okay if I'm gonna try and touch
01:53 this I gotta try and do it my own way
01:55 I didn't want to add too much it takes
01:59 away from the initial soul that's in the
02:01 sample I doubled the snare but
02:02 everything else all the horns vocals
02:04 whatever that's all from the sample and
02:06 okay the course is here how we're gonna
02:08 make that interesting you flipped it it
02:10 was all happening in real times mouthing
02:14 words and creating courses right there
02:17 the first type that's the one that
02:19 started my final form in my Melanie my
02:26 final form which is the more a short
02:27 confident bit of me to me who is also
02:30 hundred percent assured in the skin I
02:32 mean that's my melody being in this
02:36 country not being from here I was
02:38 looking in the industry and know a lot
02:40 of people look like me and the result of
02:42 that was automatically becoming an
02:44 ambassador and I knew how much that
02:47 meant to me when I was starting out
02:49 seeing a woman rapping it kind of gives
02:51 you permission to be yourself when you
02:53 see someone like you doing and when I
02:55 became that for people here it was such
02:58 a huge weight on me and I guess what I'm
03:01 taking from all of this is that in some
03:03 way or form you are inspiring people who
03:05 you don't know you inspire just like
03:07 people inspire you
03:09 [Music]
- Beats by Dre pub spot 2019

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Cela témoigne du génie créatif derrière et de leur compréhension des sentiments de leur public.

De plus, la publicité présente efficacement le produit ou le service de la marque d'une manière qui semble organique et parfaitement intégrée au récit. Cela n’apparaît pas comme un argumentaire de vente forcé, mais plutôt comme une partie naturelle de l’histoire racontée. Cette approche rend la publicité plus mémorable et laisse une impression durable sur le public.

la publicité est également soutenue par une bande-son mémorable qui complète parfaitement les visuels et la narration. La musique ajoute une autre couche de profondeur à la publicité, améliorant encore l'expérience visuelle globale.

D'un point de vue marketing, cette publicité d'Abancommercials est un excellent exemple de la façon dont une narration efficace et une résonance émotionnelle peuvent élever le message d'une marque. Cela va au-delà de la simple promotion d’un produit et laisse une impression durable dans l’esprit des consommateurs.

Date de sortie: 2019-11-21
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