Video pub Movieclips Bombshell Trailer #1 (2019)

Date de Sortie: 2019-10-15
video pub Movieclips Trailers Bombshell Trailer #1 (2019) 2019 •
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US Release Date: December 20, 2019
Starring: Margot Robbie, Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman
Directed By: Jay Roach
Synopsis: A group of women decide to take on Fox News head Roger Ailes and the toxic atmosphere he presided over the network.

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00:00 [Music]
00:01 you have to adopt the mentality of an
00:04 Irish Street cuff the world is a bad
00:05 place people are lazy morons minorities
00:08 are criminals sex is sick but
00:10 interesting ask yourself what would
00:12 scare my grandmother or piss off my
00:15 grandfather and that's a Fox story Oh
00:17 women are everywhere well let them play
00:19 golf and tennis now no charge on the
00:21 phone because you call me a skirt yes
00:24 yeah attitude off camera was even worse
00:27 you're a man hater learn to get along
00:30 with the boys you're sexy but you're too
00:32 much work I have a whole list we'll
00:35 other women come forward you may have
00:39 heard there was a dust-up involving
00:41 yours truly and presidential contender
00:43 Donald Trump there was blood coming out
00:45 of her eyes blood coming out of her
00:47 wherever God did he just accuse me of
00:50 anger men straining wait am I gonna be
00:52 the story no no I'm gonna be the story
00:54 no nobody stops for watching because of
00:57 a conflict they stopped watching when
00:59 there isn't one I want to convince you
01:02 that I belong on air mr. Ailes
01:04 I think I'd be freaking phenomenal on
01:06 your network I could pluck you out and
01:08 move you to the front of the line
01:10 but I need to know that you're loyal I
01:12 need you to find a way to prove it even
01:23 though I Ron just got that door blocking
01:24 his office
01:28 someone has to speak up someone has to
01:31 get matched the Fox News star gretchen
01:34 carlson dropped a major bomb shell today
01:36 what is she doing this could kill Fox
01:39 News we need everyone on Team Watcher
01:42 get it on put it on these are at the end
01:44 times you do understand I have to be
01:46 above this right you know the entire
01:48 country is talking about your period
01:50 right now sweetheart
01:57 this is an island of safety and truth
02:00 [Music]
02:02 ready to go to war oh yeah
02:08 [Music]
02:18 you - Movieclips pub spot 2019

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Cela témoigne du génie créatif derrière et de leur compréhension des sentiments de leur public.

De plus, la publicité présente efficacement le produit ou le service de la marque d'une manière qui semble organique et parfaitement intégrée au récit. Cela n’apparaît pas comme un argumentaire de vente forcé, mais plutôt comme une partie naturelle de l’histoire racontée. Cette approche rend la publicité plus mémorable et laisse une impression durable sur le public.

la publicité est également soutenue par une bande-son mémorable qui complète parfaitement les visuels et la narration. La musique ajoute une autre couche de profondeur à la publicité, améliorant encore l'expérience visuelle globale.

D'un point de vue marketing, cette publicité d'Abancommercials est un excellent exemple de la façon dont une narration efficace et une résonance émotionnelle peuvent élever le message d'une marque. Cela va au-delà de la simple promotion d’un produit et laisse une impression durable dans l’esprit des consommateurs.

Date de sortie: 2019-10-15
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