Video pub Ubisoft Ghost Recon Breakpoint: Skell Technology Drone Threat

Date de Sortie: 2019-09-26
video pub Ubisoft Ghost Recon Breakpoint: Skell Technology Drone Threat 2019 • Skell Technology has led the world into a new world of innovation and artificial intelligence. But what if what they created was used against us ?

Play the Open Beta for free with your friends from September 26th to September 29th.

Play as a Ghost, an Elite US Special Operations Unit stranded behind enemy lines. Lost in Auroa, fight to survive against the Wolves, ex-brother-in-arms gone rogue. This time, there is no briefing.

00:00 [Music]
00:04 testing testing I encourage all tech as
00:11 one of the machine learning engineers
00:12 please I urge you to not believe the
00:16 corporate propaganda I fear that they
00:19 are summoning the devil with their
00:20 innovations and despite what they claim
00:22 Aurora is not a paradise for you and
00:25 your family their drone technology is
00:28 highly dangerous easy to mass-produce
00:30 and without proper regulations will
00:33 undoubtedly fall into the wrong hands
00:35 the following video was kept from the
00:37 public and shows have Skell lost control
00:39 of three farmer drones on aroa what may
00:42 seem like a flock of birds are actually
00:44 legions and they can be seen here or
00:46 motely reprogramming drone software
00:50 these farmers suddenly turn leave the
00:52 field and plow directly onto an active
00:55 highway
01:02 the accident caused multiple fatalities
01:04 and later we see the farms heading
01:07 towards a built-up area the next video
01:12 is from a deep learning field test 2
01:14 used to gauge the speed at which the
01:15 stole s drones can analyze and destroy
01:17 their opponent through layers of attacks
01:19 the swarm records their preys behavioral
01:21 patterns and transmits them through a
01:23 collective intelligence to the next
01:25 swarm this means you'll need to outsmart
01:27 them each time as they will quickly
01:29 learn how to predict your moves and
01:31 defenses notice in the third round of
01:35 the drones essentially blind the tank by
01:37 taking out one of the floor our sensors
01:44 by the fourth round
01:45 now that the swarm have found a weak
01:47 spot the behemoth really doesn't stand a
01:49 chance
01:55 [Music]
01:58 imagine the impact if these drones were
02:01 deployed on a city on us we need to do
02:05 something before it's too late
02:06 our future depends on it thank you thank
02:09 you pre-order now for Xbox one
02:28 [Music] - Ubisoft pub spot 2019

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Quel est le nom de la chanson du Ubisoft Ghost Recon Breakpoint: Skell Technology Drone Threat publicité?

Tout comme la question précédente ne traite pas cette information, nous réitérons l'invitation à partager si vous connaissez la réponse du chanson de cette campagne de marketing de Ubisoft

Cela témoigne du génie créatif derrière et de leur compréhension des sentiments de leur public.

De plus, la publicité présente efficacement le produit ou le service de la marque d'une manière qui semble organique et parfaitement intégrée au récit. Cela n’apparaît pas comme un argumentaire de vente forcé, mais plutôt comme une partie naturelle de l’histoire racontée. Cette approche rend la publicité plus mémorable et laisse une impression durable sur le public.

la publicité est également soutenue par une bande-son mémorable qui complète parfaitement les visuels et la narration. La musique ajoute une autre couche de profondeur à la publicité, améliorant encore l'expérience visuelle globale.

D'un point de vue marketing, cette publicité d'Abancommercials est un excellent exemple de la façon dont une narration efficace et une résonance émotionnelle peuvent élever le message d'une marque. Cela va au-delà de la simple promotion d’un produit et laisse une impression durable dans l’esprit des consommateurs.

Date de sortie: 2019-09-26
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