Video PlayStation GTA Online - The Cayo Perico Heist: Coming December 15 | PS4

Fecha de Lanzamiento: 2020-11-20
video Anuncio playstation GTA Online - The Cayo Perico Heist: Coming December 15 | PS4 2020 • It’s time to raise the stakes higher than ever before. You’ve broken a convicted spy out of Bolingbroke Penitentiary. You’ve saved the world from an egomaniacal tech billionaire. And you’ve beaten the odds to drain a casino of its cash. This time, you’re taking on an entire island.

Prepare to infiltrate the remote island compound of the world’s most notorious drug dealer in Grand Theft Auto Online’s biggest, most daring, and action-packed addition yet: The Cayo Perico Heist.

It’s up to you to find a way to breach Cayo Perico, one of the most secure private islands in the entire world, evade or neutralize the heavily armed security forces stationed there, and escape with valuable evidence along with as much art, gold and drug money as you can carry.

Choose your tools. Choose your approach. Choose your crew – or even go it entirely alone. Just make it back to Los Santos in one piece.

The Cayo Perico Heist is the biggest GTA Online adventure ever, introducing an all-new exotic Heist location, with a brand-new approach to Heist design that features the ability to play everything solo or with up to three other players. Plus you can acquire new vehicles and tactical weapons, experience new social spaces to dance and party with friends and new world-class DJs, and listen to new radio stations with over 100 new songs. Oh, and a very large, very versatile, and very heavily armed submarine HQ with plenty of other surprises.

Stay tuned for more details as you prepare for The Cayo Perico Heist.

Coming to PS4 and via backward compatibility for PS5

Rated Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Mature Humor, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol

- PlayStation anuncio spot 2020

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Abancommercials España te invita a disfrutar del ultimo video comercial de PlayStation titulado "GTA Online - The Cayo Perico Heist: Coming December 15 | PS4", este anuncio realizado en el 2020, y fue publicando en este portal en la fecha 2020-11-20, totalmente abierto al publico y no requiere de suscripcion, es de resaltar que todos los derechos de este video son propiedad de PlayStation, por lo tanto su contenido esta protegidos por los derechos de Autor, El objetivo de Abancommercials es que el publico disfrute de los comerciales preferidos y ser una base de datos donde el publico disfrute de anuncios publicitarios que las marcas realizan para dar promocion a sus productos y servicios, si quieres disfrutar de otros anuncios de PlayStation haz click en aqui, o si deseas ver otros anuncios relacionados puedes hacer click aqui, De momento no contamos con mas informacion de las que mostramos en esta descripcion por lo que si desea conocer informacion, del nombre del actor, actriz, modelo o nombre de la cancion que aparece en este anuncio de PlayStation de 2020, debe contactar directamente con la marca.

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¿Quiénes son los actores o quién es la actriz o el actor que aparecen en el video PlayStation GTA Online - The Cayo Perico Heist: Coming December 15 | PS4?

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¿Cuál es el nombre de la canción PlayStation GTA Online - The Cayo Perico Heist: Coming December 15 | PS4 publicidad?

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Fecha de lanzamiento: 2020-11-20
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