In The First Descendant, Void Intercepts sono battaglie epiche contro giganteschi Vulgus. Sono impegnative, ma gratificanti, perché è lì che si trovano le chiavi che scateneranno potenti Descendants e Ultimate Weapons.
Il combattimento più emozionante in The First Descendant sarebbe quello tra Void Intercept e Colossus-the Pyromaniac di livello 66. L'enorme bestia scatena attacchi così aggressivi che, se un giocatore si trovasse impreparato a un simile combattimento in questa fase, potrebbe annientare anche i giocatori più esperti. Dovrai elaborare un'ottima strategia e un'esecuzione corretta per trionfare su questo nemico insidioso.
In questa guida dettagliata, approfondiamo gli schemi di attacco del Piromane, esaminiamo alcune buone contromisure e condividiamo con voi alcuni suggerimenti degni del loro peso in oro mentre vi accingete a conquistare questo particolare incontro pericoloso. Questi suggerimenti vi aiuteranno a sfruttare i punti di forza e di debolezza di un boss a vostro vantaggio e a usare la strategia appropriata per emergere vittoriosi da questa corsa a ostacoli rovente.
Il Pyromaniac è uno dei boss più difficili da affrontare in First Descendant, e sconfiggerlo richiede una strategia appropriata. Questo boss irascibile, immune a quasi tutti i tipi di danni delle armi, richiederà sicuramente abilità in tre aspetti: mosse basate sulla difesa, vantaggio elementale e tattica. Rafforzare la tua difesa
Dovrai aumentare la tua Resistenza al fuoco se vuoi sopravvivere al Piromane con i suoi attacchi di fuoco quasi costanti. Equipaggiati e consuma oggetti che aumentano la tua capacità di sopravvivenza contro i suoi attacchi più estremi e brucianti. Una buona difesa completa ti aiuterà in questo incontro: salute e armatura sono entrambe buone.
Ottenere un vantaggio elementale
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L'Appeso è un boss forte e complesso per l'ultimo Void Intercept in The First Descendant e sblocca la modalità Difficile quando viene sconfitto. I suoi attacchi possono annientare intere squadre se non vengono gestiti correttamente.
Pyromaniac è immune ai danni delle armi, ma subisce danni dalle abilità dei Descendant. Equipaggia il tuo Descendant con abilità di tipo Cold o Ice, dato che il boss ha una debolezza elementale. Questo può dare buoni frutti, con diversi punti di danno, e taglierà fuori qualsiasi tattica aggressiva che il boss applica. Come schivare
Gli attacchi di Pyromaniac possono essere brutali a volte. Con un sacco di buone manovre, è molto probabile che tu riesca a saltare la maggior parte dei danni che questo boss infligge. Impara a capire gli schemi degli attacchi del boss in modo da impiegare il tempismo giusto in cui puoi schivare a piacimento. Mantieniti mobile e usa l'ambiente a tuo vantaggio per aumentare il tuo tasso di sopravvivenza.
Prendere di mira i punti deboli
This tough exterior of the Pyromaniac conceals weak spots that can be taken advantage of. Employ the use of your Descendant's Ecive Scanner to find them, among which the Core Cover, Balancer, and Sensor will be noticeable. Make sure the Core Cover tops the agenda for targeting, because destroying it reveals the Core, another critical component that can be destroyed to stagger the boss.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
If you are fighting the Pyromaniac with a team, perform an attack coordination and give support to each other. A well-organized team will overpower the boss without effort; this is how you make this encounter way easier.
By the methods described above, together with adaptations against the peculiarities of Pyromaniac, you'll successfully defeat him and be able to go further in your walkthrough of The First Descendant.
Pyromaniac Attacks, Explained
Pyromaniac Colossus is one of the serious opponents in Void Intercept, and the whole design and pattern of its attack remind one of the Executioner. At any rate, its attacks will be unique, based on fire, making it differentiated for players.
Pyromaniac has a flamethrower that constantly deals fire damage, also applying a debuff-a burn. It doesn't knock out opponents with one hit, but the fire is lethal because it is continuous. The best strategy against him is to keep your distance by hiding behind structures or grappling away.
Other fearsome attacks include the Pyromaniac's explosive flame orbs. The orbs are highly chasing, breakable by and of the surrounding structures, and grappling to safety is very important in order not to be subjected to their devastating force since successive hits can lead to an instant knockdown, even with high resistance.
The flame slash of Pyromaniac is large cone-shaped and inflicts extreme area damage in a very short duration. This AoE is extremely dangerous when players are near the boss, because it can easily cause a knockout. Keeping one's distance is key to avoiding this brutal strike.
While it is enraged, Pyromaniac can do his ultimate attack, which is a flame slam. He teleports the player to a red zone, where he comes down from above and slams, causing huge damage. The only hope for survival is dashing or grappling out of the red zone as fast as possible.
More importantly, Pyromaniac threats come from flame chains: the large expansions of significant damage with chain attacks, plus burn-through debuffs, are key reasons to keep it at arm's length.
Just like most other Void Intercept bosses, the Pyromaniac's enraged state requires a tactical approach. During this phase, Hummingbirds spawn behind the boss and fill his rage gauge. Targeting these Hummingbirds can delay the enraged state and allow the players more time to prepare.
When angry, Pyromaniac gains the immune ability, but a fragile red canister appears behind it on the monster's back. Receiving enough damages on this canister forces it out of this state; hence, a very quick action will be needed to take away the boss' temporary invincibility.
Pyromaniac Loot and Strategies
Defeating the Pyromaniac colossus in The First Descendant rewards players handsomely with a treasure trove of high-tier loot. This includes multiple Epic-grade weapons and Legendary modules at levels 65 through 70. Reconstruction Devices can also be earned, and on using those, players may unlock a selection of Amorphous Patterns. In turn, these patterns will yield the blueprints for formidable equipment parts.
Rewards from Amorphous Pattern:
• Amorphous Material Pattern: 036: Energy Activator Blueprint, Executor Nano Tube Blueprint, Valby Code, Divine Punishment Nano Tube Blueprint, Smithereens Polymer Syncytium Blueprint
• Amorphous Material Pattern: 037: Executor Blueprint, Albion Cavalry Gun Blueprint, Crystallization Catalyst Blueprint, Restored Relic Synthetic Fiber Blueprint, Enzo Spiral Catalyst Blueprint
• Amorphous Material Pattern: 038: Ultimate Viessa Code, Perforator Nano Tube Blueprint, Crystallization Catalyst Blueprint, Divine Punishment Polymer Syncytium Blueprint, Smithereens Synthetic Fiber Blueprint
AMorphous Material Pattern: 039: Energy Activator Blueprint, Clairvoyance Synthetic Fiber Blueprint, Python Nano Tube Blueprint, Enzo Stabilizer Blueprint, Wave of Light Nano Tube Blueprint
Tips for Beating the Pyromaniac:
While weak against Descendant skill damage, the Pyromaniac is a formidable opponent due to an extremely high health pool and hard-hitting attacks. For guaranteed success, pay attention to the following:
• Choose the Right Descendants: Bunny and Viessa are highly effective against the Pyromaniac due to their high damage and agility. Equip modules such as Fire Antibody, Maximize Fire Resist, and Chill Mastery to increase survivability and damage output.
• Use Chill Weapons: Make use of 'Pierce' type weapons such as Sniper Rifles and Hand Cannons with Chill ATK modifier. These are combined for maximum effect with Chill Enhancement and Chill Priority modules.
• MASTER DODGE TIMING: Pyromaniac attacks in ways that one-hit KO most of your characters. Learn the dodges for these moves and take advantage of its Rage Mode for openings.
With these tips and with the proper equipment, you'll easily be able to defeat this Pyromaniac and grab yourself those highly valuable rewards.
With that, we conclude our guide on How to Beat Pyromaniac in The First Descendant, and thus we hope to have been of great help in eliminating him with celerity.
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