Now in How to Complete A Fresh Start in Botany Manor: Chapter 1, Discover the secrets of Botany Manor in Chapter 1 of this interactive guide. Learn how to complete a fresh start in the world of botany.

Botany Manor, a place shrouded in mystery and surrounded by smog, has been abandoned for years. The once beautiful and grand manor is now a desolate and rundown place, with no signs of life except for the occasional gust of wind that carries the toxic smog from the nearby factories. However, in Chapter 1 of the game Botany Manor, players are tasked with bringing life back to this forgotten place by growing a rare Windmill Wort flower in the conservatory. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to complete this chapter and start your journey towards reviving Botany Manor.

How to Complete A Fresh Start in Botany Manor: Chapter 1
Step 1: Gather Clues

The first step in completing Chapter 1 is to gather clues that will help you on your quest. As soon as you enter the game, pick up the Letter and Book that are lying on the ground near the entrance. These items will provide you with some background information on the manor and its previous owner. Next, head towards the Greenhouse located on the left side of the manor.

Step 2: Explore the Greenhouse

Once you enter the Greenhouse, you will find yourself surrounded by smog. To clear the air and get a better view of your surroundings, interact with the Newspaper and Postcard that are hanging on the wall. These items will give you hints on how to grow the Windmill Wort flower and filter the smog in the conservatory.

Step 3: Grow the Windmill Wort Flower

About How to Complete A Fresh Start in Botany Manor: Chapter 1, To grow the Windmill Wort flower, you will need to follow a few simple steps. First, pick up the Windmill Wort seed that is lying on the ground. Then, add soil to the pot and water it using the watering can that is placed nearby. Next, place the pot on the Heat Vent and set the boiler to 60c. Now, all you have to do is watch the plant grow and see the smog disappear.

Step 4: Enter Botany Manor

After successfully growing the Windmill Wort flower, leave the Greenhouse and walk along the garden's pathway towards the manor. However, the gate to the manor will be locked and you will need a key to enter. To get the key, go back to the main path and head towards the Gatehouse. Once there, pick up the key and use it to open the gate to the manor.

Step 5: Complete Chapter 1

As you enter the manor's entrance, you will have successfully completed Chapter 1 of Botany Manor. This will initiate the next chapter, Survivors of Adversity, where you will continue your journey to restore the manor to its former glory. But for now, take a moment to admire the beautiful Windmill Wort flower and the clear air in the conservatory.

In conclusion about How to Complete A Fresh Start in Botany Manor: Chapter 1, completing Chapter 1 of Botany Manor is no easy task but with these steps, you will be one step closer to bringing life back to this abandoned place. So, put on your detective hats and start your journey towards reviving Botany Manor.