Now in How to get Polyberry Oil in Lightyear Frontier, Discover the secrets of obtaining Polyberry Oil in Lightyear Frontier. Your ultimate guide to mastering this valuable resource awaits!

Lightyear Frontier is an exciting and challenging game that takes players on a journey through space, where they must build and upgrade their spaceship to survive. One of the key resources in this game is Polyberry Oil, which is essential for crafting important items such as Aluminum Parts. In this article, we will guide you on how to obtain Polyberry Oil in Lightyear Frontier.

How to get Polyberry Oil in Lightyear Frontier

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The first step to getting Polyberry Oil is to craft an Oil Presser. This can be done by collecting 16 Stone and 12 Wood from rocks and trees. Once you have these resources, head to your crafting station and select the Oil Presser recipe. Crafting the Oil Presser will unlock the Polyberry Oil recipe for you.

The next step is to collect Polyberry seeds. These can be found by using a vacuum on Polyberry plants that are scattered around the game world. Once you have collected the seeds, head back to your base and plant them in a plot. Make sure to water them using an Irrigation Hose and wait for two days for the Polymer to be ready for harvest.

After two days, the Polyberry plants will be fully grown and ready for harvest. Use your vacuum to collect the Polyberry fruits and bring them to your Oil Presser. Each Polyberry will make one Polyberry Oil, and it takes one minute to craft one Oil. It is recommended to create as many Polyberry Oils as possible in one visit to the Oil Presser, as it will save you time and resources in the long run.

Polyberry Oil is a crucial resource in Lightyear Frontier as it is needed for crafting Aluminum Parts at the Assembler station. These Aluminum Parts are necessary for upgrading your Spike Saw and enhancing your Water Tank Capacity. Without these upgrades, your spaceship will not be able to withstand the challenges of space travel.

In addition to crafting Aluminum Parts, Polyberry Oil is also used for creating other important items such as the Polyberry Fuel, which is needed for traveling to different planets. Therefore, it is essential to have a good stock of Polyberry Oil at all times.

In conclusion about How to get Polyberry Oil in Lightyear Frontier, Polyberry Oil is a vital resource in Lightyear Frontier, and obtaining it is crucial for the progression of the game. By following the steps mentioned in this article, you can easily get Polyberry Oil and use it to craft essential items for your spaceship. So, head out into the game world, collect Polyberry seeds, and start crafting your way to victory.
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