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We created a new guide on how to get the God Roll in Destiny 2. This guide will tell you how to get the God Roll in Destiny 2 step by step.

Are you an avid Destiny 2 player looking to get the god roll? If so, you have come to the right place. The god roll is a special weapon variant with a unique perk combination that can only be earned by participating in specific activities. In this article, we’ll discuss what the god roll is, how to get it in Destiny 2, and some tips to help you maximize your chances.

What is God Roll?

The god roll is a unique version of a weapon in Destiny 2 that has a specific perk combination and only drops from certain activities. It is considered the best version of a weapon and can give players a major advantage in the game. There are different god rolls for each weapon type and players must be diligent in their search for the perfect combination.

How To Get The God Roll Is In Destiny 2?

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Getting the god roll in Destiny 2 requires a bit of luck and a lot of patience. The most common way to get the god roll is to participate in Nightfall strikes. The rewards for these activities can include the Wendigo GL3, an exotic sniper rifle, which is one of the most sought-after weapons in the game. To acquire the Wendigo GL3, you must obtain it as a reward from a Nightfall strike. You'll have to wait until it is featured in a certain week to be able to do so. Playing Grandmaster Nightfalls will give you the greatest chance of it dropping, as well as offer an Adept version of the Wendigo. The endgame grind may be worth the effort for those who prefer it.

Another way to get the god roll is to participate in the seasonal events. These events have unique weapons that have their own god rolls. Completing the seasonal activities will give you a chance to get these weapons, and you’ll have to keep an eye out for the right combination of perks. Additionally, keep an eye out for the rare random world drops that can appear in the game.

Getting the god roll in Destiny 2 is no easy task, but with a bit of luck and patience, it is possible. Nightfall strikes are the best way to get the Wendigo GL3, and playing Grandmaster Nightfalls will give you the greatest chance of it dropping. Additionally, participating in the seasonal events can give you a chance to get unique weapons with their own god rolls. Keep an eye out for world drops for your chance to get the god roll. Good luck in your search for the perfect weapon combination!
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