Pay attention so that you can learn How to Fix Gray Zone Warfare Low FPS on Low-End PC, because in this article we will be covering everything in detail for you.

Gray Zone Warfare (GZW) is an excellent game, but it is very poorly optimized, so dealing with low FPS can be a common problem.

Boost Gray Zone Warfare FPS on Your Low-End PC

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Here's a breakdown on how to squeeze more frames out of Gray Zone Warfare on your low-end PC:

In-Game Settings:

  • Lower the graphics: This is the biggest bang for your buck. Reduce texture quality, shadows, and other demanding effects.
  • Enable FSR & FSR Frame Gen: These features can significantly improve performance by rendering the game at a lower resolution and upscaling it.

System Optimization:

  • Minimize background apps: Close anything unnecessary running in the background, especially resource-hungry programs.
  • Test Windows Features: Try enabling "Game Mode" or "Game Bar" to see if they improve performance.
  • Optimize Page File: Adjust your page file settings to improve virtual memory management.
  • Clean Temporary Files: Free up disk space by deleting temporary files.
  • Disable Fullscreen Optimizations: This might reduce stuttering in some games.

Advanced Tweaks (Use with Caution):

  • Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling: Enable this in Windows settings for potential performance gains.
  • Disable Background Services: Only disable services you're sure are safe and won't affect system stability.
  • Registry Tweaks: Proceed with caution! Messing with the registry can cause problems if not done correctly.


  • Test each change in-game to see if it actually improves your FPS.
  • Some tweaks might have minimal impact or even cause issues.
  • If you're uncomfortable with advanced options, stick to the basic in-game settings and system optimization steps.

This is everything you need to know about How to Fix Gray Zone Warfare Low FPS on Low-End PC, so we hope it was very helpful for you to resolve the issue quickly.

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